
The Latest and Greatest from Salesforce Research

Moirai: A Time Series Foundation Model for Universal Forecasting

TL;DR: Moirai is a cutting-edge time series foundation model, offering universal forecasting capabilities. It stands out as a versatile time series forecasting model capable of addressing diverse forecasting tasks across multiple domains, frequencies, and variables in a zero-shot manner.  To achieve this, Moirai tackles four major challenges: (i) construction

19 Mar 2024 • Gerald Woo #foundation model

DeepTime: Using Deep Time-Index Meta-Learning to Improve Non-Stationary Time-Series Forecasting

TL;DR: The performance of existing time-series forecasting methods can degrade due to non-stationarity, where the statistical distribution of time-series data changes over time. Our new DeepTime method overcomes non-stationarity issues by leveraging a “forecasting as meta-learning” framework on deep time-index models. DeepTime achieves competitive accuracy on the long-sequence time-series

13 Oct 2022 • Gerald Woo #DeepTime