INDICT: Towards Better Code Generation by Both Security and Helpfulness

TL;DR: We introduce INDICT, a novel framework that empowers Large Language Models (LLMs) with Internal Dialogues of Critiques for both safety and helpfulness guidance. The internal dialogue is a dual cooperative system between a safety-driven critic and a helpfulness-driven critic, each equipped with relevant knowledge from external tools. LLMs

04 Jul 2024 •

CodeGen2.5: Small, but mighty

Equal contribution between Erik Nijkamp and Hiroaki Hayashi. Paper Code Tweet Abstract The family of Salesforce CodeGen models is growing with CodeGen2.5 – a small, but mighty model! While there has been a recent trend of large language models (LLM) of increasing size, we show that a small model can

06 Jul 2023 • #CodeGen

Improving end-to-end Speech Recognition Models

Speech recognition has been successfully depolyed on various smart devices, and is changing the way we interact with them. Traditional phonetic-based recognition approaches require training of separate components such as pronouciation, acoustic and language model.

14 Dec 2017 • #research