
The Latest and Greatest from Salesforce Research

DeepTime: Using Deep Time-Index Meta-Learning to Improve Non-Stationary Time-Series Forecasting

TL;DR: The performance of existing time-series forecasting methods can degrade due to non-stationarity, where the statistical distribution of time-series data changes over time. Our new DeepTime method overcomes non-stationarity issues by leveraging a “forecasting as meta-learning” framework on deep time-index models. DeepTime achieves competitive accuracy on the long-sequence time-series

13 Oct 2022 • Gerald Woo #DeepTime

Meet LAVIS: A One-stop Library for Language-Vision AI Research and Applications

TL;DR: LAVIS (short for LAnguage-VISion) is an open-source deep learning library for language-vision research and applications, offering comprehensive support for a wide range of tasks, datasets, and state-of-the-art models. Featuring a unified interface and modular design, it’s easy to use off-the-shelf and to extend with new capabilities. With

20 Sep 2022 • Dongxu Li #LAVIS

Salesforce Research at ICLR 2022

Conference Overview This year marks the Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations ( ICLR []), one of the premier academic conferences dedicated to advancing research in representation learning - a type of machine learning also referred to as feature learning or deep learning. ICLR features the latest

25 Apr 2022 • Mia Ferrer #ICLR